
Pylossless requires Python version 3.8 or higher. To stay up to date with the latest version of pyLossless, we recommend that you install the package from the github repository. This will allow you to easily update to the latest version of pyLossless as we continue to develop it.


To use pyLossless you need to have the git command line tool installed. If you are not sure, see this tutorial

Install via pip

Clone the pyLossless github repository

This package can be installed directly from the github repository.

First, go to a directory in your terminal that you would like to copy the pyLossless git repository into (for example Documents, or a new folder named github_repos). Then run:

$ git clone[YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME]/pylossless.git

Of course, replace [YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME] with your actual GitHub username. For example, for me this would be


Make sure you have created a fork of the pyLossless repository in your GitHub account before running the code above.

Install Pylossless and it’s dependencies

$ pip install --editable ./pylossless


The --editable flag is optional, but it allows you to easily update to the latest version of pyLossless as we continue to develop it. We also recommend installing pyLossless in a virtual environment.

That’s it! You are now ready to use pyLossless.

Install Extra dependencies

The PyLossless pipeline uses the MNE-ICALabel package, which uses deep learning to automatically label independent components. MNE-ICALabel requires that you have either PyTorch or OnnxRuntime installed, but does not install them for you. We recommend simply installing PyTorch, as it is the more popular of the two packages.

$ pip install torch


As of this writing, PyTorch is not available on Python 3.12. Please use an earlier version of Python, such as Python 3.9

Additional Requirements for Development

If you plan on contributing to the development of pyLossless, you will need to install some additional dependencies so that you can run tests and build the documentation locally. The code below will install the additional dependencies as well as the pre-commit hooks that we use to ensure that all code is formatted correctly. Make sure that you have activated your pylossless environment and are inside the pylossless git repository directory, before running the code below:

$ pip install -r requirements_testing.txt
$ pip install -r docs/requirements_doc.txt
$ pre-commit run -a

PyLossless uses black style formatting. If you are using Visual Studio Code, you can also install the black extension to automatically format your code. See the instructions at this link